DIAMOND’s technical coordinator AITEC participated in the Expert Workshop of the project DocksTheFuture , which took place in Port of Leixões on October 29- 30. The workshop, hosted by APDL (Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo), aimed at defining the challenges and opportunities for the Port of the Future.
During the workshop, DIAMOND project was presented to attendees, stating the need of a major inclusion of women in the port of the future.
On the other hand, experts conducted a desktop analysis of what Ports might look like in the near future, an essential discussion to validate those conclusions with those who are on the field and have unquestionable expertise on the subject matter.

The European project DocksTheFuture defines the Port of the Future, meant as a near future (2030) which should face challenges related to simplification and digitalisation of processes, emission reduction, energy transition, port-city interface, sustainability, relation with neighbouring countries and much more.