The DIAMOND Project invites you to take part in an interactive webinar conference to discuss the barriers and facilitators faced by women as users of surface transport services.
The format will be a panel discussion between our academic researchers and you, the professionals from the transport sector and transport experts, in order to ensure relevant findings are translated accurately into outputs suitable for transport organisations.
Transport plays an important role in our economies and societies and has a large impact on growth and employment. To create a fair and inclusive society where equality of outcome is important and where no-one is disadvantaged relative to another by virtue of their gender, the European Union (EU) commissioned project DIAMOND to collect and analyse gender disaggregated data to develop a toolbox for transport equity analysis to enhance fair access for women as users of transport services.
To this end we have been collecting primary data from across Europe and the UK to identify the barriers and facilitators of primarily women as users of transport services across Europe in order to develop guidelines for transport operators to help them improve a fair and inclusive service provision.