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- Create Date January 19, 2022
- Last Updated May 4, 2022
Guidelines - Autonomous vehicles through gender perspective glasses
When this document was initially conceived, the main foreseen contents were linked to the (potentially differentiated) emotional needs of women and men in automated vehicles. The research and work developed during the DIAMOND project has contributed to widen the scope of this report to other fields beyond that of the emotions. In this sense, such aspects as the unfairness and inequality present in current cars need to be highlighted in a work of these characteristics.
In addition, as Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) are still a product that is under development, we have considered it interesting to mention tools and methodologies in the guidelines that could be used to gain more knowledge of the needs and requirements of potential CAV passengers, especially girls and women. By doing so, we wanted to provide useful information which could contribute to improving fairness and equality in autonomous vehicles based on human factors and participatory design.
This report contains the complete contents of the guidelines entitled “Autonomous vehicles through gender perspective glasses. Designing a more inclusive and gender-fair autonomous car”. The structure of the guidelines is based on the following main blocks:
- Introduction and definitions
- Results and recommendations
Although we are aware that the information presented in this report covers only a tiny albeit important part of all that is going on in the field of CAVs, our purpose is in any case multiple:
- Those familiar with the concepts of gender equality and fairness will be able to gain technical knowledge about CAVs, and to understand how their vision and knowledge is important to develop better vehicles.
- Those familiar with the automotive sector and those who are aware of all the challenging developments taking place in autonomous vehicles will benefit by its human-centered approach which stresses women’s needs and perceptions.
- Those absolutely new to either of the two fields will discover to what degree the development of the automotive sector means a breakthrough in terms of the traditional concept of a privately owned vehicle. They will also identify the potential of applying the concepts of equality and fairness to such a technological field.
Download the Spanish version of the guidelines in the link below:
Download the French version of the guidelines in the link below: