The transport policy’s vision is that everyone should have the same access to transport services, to be able to go where they want or need to go and to be able to do so easily, safely, confidently and without extra cost. Transport makes a difference in growing women’s productivity and promoting gender equality. Transport is a traditionally male-dominated sector, both from an employment perspective and the values it symbolises. The UK’s DfT’s Inclusive Transport Strategy has the potential to be a key vehicle for achieving the improvements that are needed. A successful strategy needs transparency, ambition, and set of practical actions across all industry sectors and users. With this is mind, great efforts have been made to provide transport professionals with the data, tools and approaches to help them to understand and achieve gender and diversity equality in transport and to help them to better incorporate gender issues in their planning and design.
Whilst gender and transport is therefore a rather new professional field, currently there is a huge amount of research, design and planning of systems required in order to achieve gender equality in the many sectors. For example the HORIZON 2020 call, MG-4-3-2018 on demographic change and participation of women in transport funded the DIAMOND and TinnGO project to create gender and diversity sensitive data, methodologies and tools to achieve gender equality in transport.
The 10th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management is in being held in collaboration with the EU projects DIAMOND and TInnGO’s final conference and will take place from 17th – 19th November 2021. The event will be held virtually with the theme of “Creating a paradigm shift towards gender and equality in smart mobility”. The final outcomes of both projects will be presented.
The event is focused on the following topics:
- New approaches to data collection – digital and mixed methods
- Gendered innovations in mobility/design research
- Gendered mobility, education, employment
- Gender and diversity in policy analysis and practice.
- Dissemination and impact of gender analysis
How to participate:
The event will be an opportunity to develop and drive forward synergy between academics, researchers, policy makers and industry. Participants are invited to submit an extended abstract for a paper, a poster or a proposed workshop on a relevant topic.
- All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference using the templates provided in the author instructions
- Please submit a contribution before the 19th of September 2021 at the following link: TDM 2021 submission page
- Registration is Free. Limited places available assigned on first come first served basis. to register go to this registration page
Important dates
September 25th – Deadline to submit an extended abstract using EasyChair.
September 30th – Accepted contributions will be notified and offered an opportunity to submit an extended paper by 20th October 2021.
October 20th – Deadline to submit an extended paper. A selection of the best contributions will be invited to be considered for publication in a special issue in a peer reviewed journal.
November 10th – Deadline for online registrations in the following link: Registration is free but early registration is recommended with participants at the Travel Demand Symposium receiving advance notification of this free event.
The joint event will be organised by:
Technological University Dublin, (IE)
Edinburgh Napier University, (UK)
ITENE Research Centre, Valencia (Spain)
Institute of Creative Cultures, Coventry University (UK)
Eurecat, Barcelona (Spain
For more info please check and or contact us at