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- Create Date March 21, 2022
- Last Updated March 21, 2022
D9.1 CSR Protocols - Abstract
This document constitutes Deliverable D9.1 ‘CSR protocols’ in the framework of the project titled ‘Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems.’ (Project Acronym: DIAMOND; Grant Agreement No 824326).
This deliverable aims to build new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) protocols based on self-diagnosis and DSS (decision support system) modules of the DIAMOND Toolbox for the Use Case IV (Women employment) in railways and freight/ CSR protocols. New CSR protocols are supported on outputs from WP4, WP5 and WP6.
Following the European Commission definition, CSR is understood as the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns in the enterprises’ daily business operations and in the interaction with their stakeholders (Benoit-Moreau & Parguel, 2011). Although many frameworks exist to conceptualize and operationalize CSR, a three-dimensional framework captures the main features of CSR. The three general attitude-based dimensions are: human responsibility; environmental responsibility; and product responsibility (Anselmsson & Johansson, 2007). If stakeholder groups become aware of CSR activities undertaken by the organization, they assure that the organization will maintain or improve its corporate reputation (Šontaite-Petkevičiene, 2015).
The CSR protocols addressed by DIAMOND are focused on the human responsibility dimension of the CSR protocols and on the profile women as a homogeneous group. This document also addresses paying special attention, due to the current gap existing today in this field, the off-site employment for women in the transport sector.
This deliverable focuses on the advice concerning measures for the development of a fair and gender inclusive working environment in the transport sector, from both: The perspective of appropriately matching individually each need or barrier (each Top10 FC or Key factor), and the perspective of maximizing the impact on the achievement of the Goal (by increasing the satisfaction of all the Top10 FCs or Key factors globally).
In general, all these measures are focused on the following areas:
• Caring and parenting responsibility
• Fair recruitment processes
• Flexible working conditions.
• Safety at work.
• Inclusion of new training contents to both boost women talent for job positions and prepare the transport stakeholders for systematic fairness inclusion in their decision making.
These results are addressed to (i) public and private organisations employing transport professionals, such as railways, freight transport and logistics companies; and (ii) women jobholders associations; and (iii) they are also applicable for practical use by women in general looking for career choices.
The proposed fair CSR protocols are embebbed in the DIAMOND Toolbox for the Use Case IV, employment today (vertex 3), and it can be particularized for other specific profiles (different to women as a homogeneous group) which public and private organisations or women could be interested on.
A foresight to the future, employment tomorrow (vertex 6 of the Inclusion Diamond), is also addressed by this document through the analysis of key factors and recommendations in a futuristic scenario such as the logistics based on drones.