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- Create Date March 21, 2022
- Last Updated March 21, 2022
D6.2 Evaluation and validation of fairness - Abstract
This document constitutes Deliverable D6.2 ‘Evaluation and validation of fairness’ in the framework of the project titled ‘Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems.’ (Project Acronym: DIAMOND; Grant Agreement No 824326).
This deliverable D6.2 aims to ensure that no potential bias and that no systematic unfair outcomes against any population group are present in the generated recommendations provided by the Toolkit4Fairness developed in the project. Task 6.2 ’Validation by the interdisciplinary team’ looks that no systematic unfair outcomes against any population group was generated by the use of the self-diagnosis and the Decision Support System (DSS) tool.
The Fairness Characteristics (FC) defined in D3.1 ‘Methodology and requirements for data collection’ were analysed in D4.3 ‘Computational anaysisi report’ by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Bayesian Network (BN) analysis so as to determine the most relevant factors for women as a group. With the aim of providing intersectionality to the Toolbox (e.g. women with different characteristics such as varying age, caring responsibilities etc.), recommendations to improve the needs and barriers identified were introduced by an interdisciplinary panel for all the FCs and were validated by external experts.
Additionally to the validation of the recommendations regarding that they properly addess the needs and barriers identified, it was also very relevant to determine that all of them were fair for all people and not producing bias against any specific profile. Hence this Deliverable seeks to ensure that there are no clear no potential biases and that no systematic unfair outcomes against any population group in the recommendations generated by the project’s Toolkit4Fairness.
D6.1 ‘Report of the testing of the toolbox in the studied use-cases’ is focused in the ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of the questionnaire developed to assess the usability and the support regarding fairness the Toolkit4Fairness provide to the companies and in testing the DIAMOND project tool.