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- Create Date May 20, 2021
- Last Updated June 3, 2021
This task 7.1, provides a report of the methodology for identification and quantification of the potential benefits from applying the set of actions proposed by the DIAMOND project (outputs in terms of results and a toolbox) for each of the different stakeholders’ groups. In order to derive comprehensive information about the potential effects of the DIAMOND project, having in mind its specific purpose, an integrated approach is required. By integration, it is proposed that the various dimensions should be addressed within the impact assessment methodology, in a way that recognises the linkages and inter-relationships between them.
The main objective of this deliverable is to investigate the effectiveness, efficiency and equitability of the proposed innovations from DIAMOND’s analysis as well as the relationship between the proposed measures. The deliverable will provide evidence in support of the benefits of the fairness measures to the transport system as a whole while outlining the direct impact of implementing the identified fairness measures to the businesses of the main stakeholders, corporate image and social equity. For each use-case, the effects of increasing fairness levels will be determined based on the knowledge gained from interdisciplinary analysis and taking into account the outputs from WP2 (fairness and use-cases definition, performance indicators) and WP6 (testing and validation of the toolbox). In the essence of the methodology is a cross-dimensional approach for a more rounded assessment of the performance of a more gender-responsive transport system.
The approach is based on assessing the impact in three dimensions: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Equity. For each of these dimensions, the set of performance indicators for each use case will be selected and measured. The general aim would be to reach a higher level of efficiency, while at the same time being able to meet quality and equity criteria. The outputs from this task will serve to build the impact reports in the next task. Estimations of the effects of proposed measures will be assessed since it will not be possible to implement the fairness measures and assess their effects within the timeframe of the DIAMOND project.