A methodological approach to reveal fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systemsGender and Equality in Transport. Proceedings of TRA 2022

Proceedings of the TRA 2022,  Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 November  Francisco Enrique Santarremigiaa, Sara Poveda-Reyesa, Ashwani Kumar Malviyaa, Gemma Dolores Molero, Elena García-Jiménez (AITEC) Abstract This study aims to improve Fairness from a gender perspective in 4 use cases in transport. Fairness Characteristics (FCs) were identified and clustered in 3 levels by literature review and FGs.…

Gender and Equality in Transport. Proceedings of the 2021 Travel Demand Management Symposium

Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management (TDM), Online, 17-19 (November 2021) Wafaa Saleh;  Augustus Ababio-Donkor (Edinburgh Napier University); Maria Chiara Leva; Ajeni Thimnu (Technological University of Dublin) Abstract Proceedings of the 10th International Travel Demand Management (TDM) Sympostium in conjunction with TinnGO and DIAMOND final conference titled: “Gender and Equality in Transport”  …

Computational Solutions Based on Bayesian Networks to Hierarchize and to Predict Factors Influencing Gender Fairness in the Transport System: Four Use Cases

Sustainability Journal (MDPI), Special Issue “Mobility for Sustainable Societies: Challenges and Opportunities” (October 2021) Gemma Dolores Molero; Sara Poveda-Reyes; Ashwani Kumar Malviya; Elena García-Jiménez; Francisco Santarremigia (AITEC); Maria Chiara Leva (Technological University of Dublin) Abstract Previous studies have highlighted inequalities and gender differences in the transport system. Some factors or fairness characteristics (FCs) strongly influence gender…

Impacts of COVID-19 on employment fairness in the transport industry – challenges, employer support and flexible working

DIAMOND Working Paper (October 2021)  Anne Marie Cullen; Yvonne Hail; Ronald McQuaid (University of Stirling) Executive Summary Background This Working Paper considers the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on employee experiences of work in the transport sector including: changes to place of work, challenges faced while working through the pandemic, employer support offered to employees,…

Unveiling Women’s Needs and Expectations as Users of Bike Sharing Services: The H2020 DIAMOND Project

Sustainability Journal (MDPI), Special Issue “Mobility for Sustainable Societies: Challenges and Opportunities” (May 2021) Andrea Gorrini; Rawad Choubassi; Federico Messa (Systematica); Wafaa Saleh; Augustus Ababio-Donkor (Edinburgh Napier University); Maria Chiara Leva; Lorraine D’Arcy (Technological University of Dublin); Francesco Fabbri; Pablo Aragón (Eurecat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra); David Laniado (Eurecat) Abstract Within the objectives of the H2020 DIAMOND project, the paper…

The Concept of Fairness in Relation to Women Transport Users

Sustainability Journal (MDPI), Special Issue “Fairness in Transport” (March 2021) Yvonne Hail; Ronald McQuaid (University of Stirling)  Abstract This paper discusses the concept of ‘fairness’ in transport, specifically regarding women using public transport, future autonomous vehicle taxis or bicycle sharing. Women generally have varying and complex mobility patterns compared to men and suffer disproportionate fairness…

Application of Mathematical and Computational Methods to Identify Women’s Priorities in Transport

Sustainability Journal (MDPI), Special Issue “Mobility for Sustainable Societies: Challenges and Opportunities” (March 2021) Sara Poveda Reyes; Ashwani Kumar Malviya; Mª Elena García Jiménez; Gemma Molero Prieto; Francisco Santarremigia Rosaleny (AITEC); and Maria Chiara Leva (Technological University of Dublin)  Abstract It is well established that the transport sector is not an equalitarian sector. To develop a sustainable society, a…

Methodology for Gender Analysis in Transport: Factors with Influence in Women’s Inclusion as Professionals and Users of Transport Infrastructures

Sustainability Journal (MDPI), Special Issue “Fairness in Transport” (May 2020) Elena García-Jiménez;  Sara Poveda-Reyes; Gemma Dolores Molero; Francisco Enrique Santarremigia (AITEC); Andrea Gorrini (Systematica); Yvonne Hail (University of Stirling); Augustus Ababio-Donkor (Edinburgh Napier University); Maria Chiara Leva (Technological University of Dublin); Filomena Mauriello (University of Naples Federico II). Abstract This work analyzes gendered processes by a methodology based on clustering factors…

Structuring the evaluation of the inclusion of women within the transport sector: A use case study based on the inclusion diamond model.

ETRR-Journal of TRA 2020 – Submission on the conference proceedings (May 2021) Gemma D.Molero; Sara Poveda-Reyes; Francisco Santarremigia (AITEC); Chris Blache (Genre et Ville); Rawad Choubassi (Systematica) (Edinburgh Napier University); Ludovico Boratto (Eurecat); Maria Chiara Leva (Technological University of Dublin) Abstract The transport sector is a sector domianted by men. Social norms and conducts have hindered the…

Assessing the Level of Accessibility of Railway Public Transport for Women Passengers Using Location-Based Data: The Case of H2020 DIAMOND Project

Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, pp. pp 199-212 (March 2021) Andrea Gorrini; Rawad Choubassi; Anahita Rezaallah; Dante Presicce (Systematica); Ludovico Boratto; David Laniado (Eurecat); Pablo Aragón (University Pompeu Fabra)  Abstract The chapter presents a data-driven approach based on the use of Geographic Information Systems and data analytics for assessing the level of accessibility for the women…